Saturday, August 2, 2008

Just Breathe

On Wednesday night at the beach Mike talked for a little bit about breathing, like really breathing in life. I don't remember all the specifics but I really came away with something from it. I started writing it for myself but decided that I'd post it....sorry it's a little choppy and disjointed ;-)

"i'm gonna try breathing from now on. summer's almost over but stressing and worrying about it isn't gonna make it any longer or more enjoyable, so i'm gonna just take it one day at a time and breathe. same with next year. yes i'm gonna apply to college and do my homework, but i'm gonna take time to just be and breathe.....i don't want to let my senior year pass me by. i want to be living in the here and now and not worrying about things that i can't change or about trying unsuccessfully to slow down time. so i'm gonna start breathing from now on ."

This summer has not been the renewal experience I had expected or hoped it would be. I barely made it through this last school year at the end of my rope and was looking forward to being rejuvenated through the summer. I start school in two weeks and feel almost no different. So I'm making it a priority this year to slow down and breathe regularly, not to just wait until I have time. I'm sure I'll forget, so if you see me ask me if I've been breathing lately :-)

PS The whole subject of breathing reminded me a lot of this video that I've seen. It's by that one guy who does all those Christian videos...I think his name is Rob Bell? It's about breathing in God every minute. It's really good, you should check it out!

1 comment:

**Laurel said...

Is that the video that they showed at Kings awhile back? If so I totally remember it! If not, I'd love to see it, so you'll have to post a link!