Monday, August 18, 2008


S. Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe. John 20:27

O. Jesus is back! Yeah and he just appears in the locked room? Then he says to this guy here is my hands and side? SEE! Open your eyes! Stop it, stop doubting, start believing, NOW!

A. I want to clear my eyes to see Him clearly! I need to give up "things" that are clouding my vision of who Christ is!

P. Jesus, let me see you clearly! I know that you are the man and that you want the best for me. Help me with me being me. Have patients with me. Love me more and more! PLEASE, let me not doubt and believe! Let me see who you are. Let me see who you want me to be. Let me see you clearly!

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